Expand the possibilities and vocabulary of the watercolor painting in this experimental workshop lead by Stephen Quiller. Although the handling of acrylics and casein is similar to watercolor painting, your work can be enhanced by their use for the visual qualities of transparency and translucency.

Pipsqueak Creek #5 by Stephen Quiller
acrylic underwash and casein overlay
Workshop participants will explore the various visual qualities and handling characteristics of these two media as well as how they can be used in combination. Color and composition will also be an intricate part of this workshop. Stephen Quiller’s two books, Casein Painting with Stephen Quiller and Acrylic Painting Techniques will be used for reference.
This workshop will be held April 4-6, 2022, at the Community Art Center, 414 Plush Mill Rd. Wallingford, PA 19086 (ph. 610-566-1713)
The cost of this workshop is $475 for members and $500 for non-members.
As part of registering for the workshop, participants will be able to attend the evening demonstration and presentation by Stephen on Monday, April 4, 2022 from 7:00 - 8:30 pm as part of your attendance in the workshop.
Download the workshop materials list.
Covid Policy
The Community Art Center has procedures and policies for COVID-19. Read more.
Cancellation Policy
Please note that after 45 days before the start of the workshop, paid participants will be responsible for the full tuition amount, unless they personally find an artist to replace their spot in the workshop. If the workshop is full and there is an available person on the waitlist, that person may take the place of the cancelling artist.
About Stephen Quiller
Stephen Quiller is an internationally known painter and is a Dolphin Fellow and signature member of the American Watercolor Society, the National Watercolor Society, National Society for Painters in Acrylic and Casein, Rocky Mountain National Watermedia, and Watercolor West.
He has received the 2018 Silver Medal and the 2014 Gold Medal of Honor at the American Watercolor Society’s International Exhibitions as well as many other honors. Known for water media and color, Stephen has written seven best selling books on the subjects including Color Choices, Acrylic Painting Techniques, Water Media Painting With Stephen Quiller, Painters Guide to Color, and Casein Painting With Stephen Quiller. He has created twenty artist instructional videos and DVD’s on color, composition and watermedia. He has signature lines of watercolor, palettes and brushes produced by the Jack Richeson Company and has developed the Quiller Color Wheel that is used by artists throughout the world.
Stephen’s paintings have been on covers and the subjects of articles in many leading art magazines. He has served as a juror for most of the regional and international watermedia exhibitions and conducts a limited number of national and international seminars annually. However, he continues to spend most of his time painting on-location or at his studio in Creede, located near the headwaters of the Rio Grande in southern Colorado. He aspires to capture the essence, the rhythm and spirit of the San Juans. He has painted professionally since 1972 and his works are enthusiastically collected.
He and his wife Marta live in Creede, Colorado and during the summer months run the Quiller Gallery where his works are on view.